Monday, November 9, 2009


In the last week, I completed a couple of craft projects to give as gifts. They were started with the anticipation of welcoming my new nephew November 6th! Cooper Charles was born, and rounded out my niece/nephew list to 6. A long, long time ago, I had bought a few cross-stitch projects, one with the intention of giving to my first nephew... unfortunately I was young, busy with other stuff and just a procrastinator, so it never got done. Finally, I got a chance to complete the cross-stitch bib for little Cooper!

The project I finished before this bib was a latch hook project for Cooper's new big sister, Olivia. She loves butterflies, and I thought this would be a good "yay you're a big sister!" gift. It took a while, because while I started it quick, it was set aside and picked at, until a week and a half ago when I finally just got determined and finished it. I bought the frame which was unfinished at Michael's, then painted it, and added the foam sticky letters. I was really pleased when it was all put together.

I definitely enjoyed doing these, and hope to do a lot more of the kind in the future. I have a few unopened cross-stitch projects in my bag, and I haven't decided which one to do yet. I hope to better my skills and be able to do some cross-stitching freehand.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Computer room painted and Halloween pics

Happy late Halloween! Buster was a dragon, Rocky was the Karate Cat.

Rocky, you must defeat the dragon within you...

And painted computer room. No flash, blinds open...
With flash. It's called "shale gray"
Curtains for our living room will be coming soon! And hopefully I'll hear back from a job interview this week! :::fingers crossed:::