Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Update! A lot has happened!

First, since the last post, I started a job. I started March 22, and still there. Not the most challenging job, but it's something.

April 4, Don and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. We did a nice trip celebration a couple weeks later by going to SoCal and Vegas. We had such a great time and saw beautiful scenery. It was a blast. I'm so glad we were able to go.

Then a little bit of life went by, and on July 8, found out I was pregnant! I was pretty sick since about a week and a half after finding out, til now. The morning (all day) sickness subsided a bit in the last week, but at the moment am battling a cough and cold. It's no fun. But I'm 12 weeks 2 days at the moment. We went to the doctor yesterday, and heart the strong and loud heartbeat.

We are so thrilled. It's so exciting. I think I'm still in a bit of a shock. This was planned and wanted, but it's still so shocking to me that it's actually happening.

So, the countdown until March 2011 begins!