Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life happens...

We had gotten some bad news. Don's grandmother passed away Dec. 1. We got the news that Monday evening. Within minutes, Don was looking for airfare to fly back to Illinois. Unfortunately, last minute airfare for the weekend is expensive. So, I talked to my boss, Don talked to his, and we both we able to get a couple days off.

Thursday night, we got on the road to drive to 20 hours back to Illinois. We arrived at our friend's apartment at 4 pm, Friday. Spent the night, and headed back to his hometown Saturday morning for the funeral. We stayed there until Sunday late afternoon, and then started the 20-something hour drive back home. We made it back 2 pm Monday. Such a long exhausting weekend, but it was good to see a couple of friends and his family.

And yes! We made it back alright, and we're not filing for divorce. I'm not saying we were happy the whole time. But we have great patience with one another. Spending all weekend with each other, and driving for a total of over 40 hours together, we still spent Monday evening together. I really am not sure how we do it, but we do :)

My brother said at one point after we moved in with my parents here in Texas "If they can make it living there, they'll be together forever". Well, we got 26 days left, I think we'll be fine. We make sure to communicate and understand each other so we can support each other. Part of our vows we said on our wedding day were, "I promise to be not behind you or in front of you, but beside you always." I think that's the base of our marriage, and is probably how we can take extremely long car rides with each other, spend entire days with each other, and not rip each other's heads off.

In other news, we close January 13 on our house!!!!! We are super excited, and can finally start seriously shopping for fridges and couches. I was telling Don last night, "We're buying a house together and shopping for furniture. We're getting serious" :)

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